캘린더 « 2025/1 » 일 월 화 수 목 금 토 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 최신글 인기글 방문자 Today Yesterday Total ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop Hyolin(효린) (Sistar) _ Crazy of you(미치게 만들어) Hyolin(효린) (Sistar) _ Crazy of you(미치게 만들어) (Master`s sun(주군의 태양) OST Part.3) :: iTunes DL : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/jug... *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) The SBS drama special "Mater's Sun' that has been earning a lot of popularity let out its 3rd OST. As much as it is a famous drama, the third membe.. 2013.09.03 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop Evo & Paloalto - 불을켜 [Lights On] directed by Kang Seung Won (of August Frogs) www.hiliterecords.com www.a-frogs.com 2013.09.03 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop KARA(카라) - Damaged Lady(숙녀가 못 돼) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) :: iTunes DL : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/kal... 2013 summer, Kara is back in a year to captivate the fans' heart again. The title song of the 4th full-length album "Damaged Lady" is a song with French pop genre and strong rock sound in great harmony. The fast-moving develo.. 2013.09.02 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop G-DRAGON - COUP D'ETAT G-DRAGON 2ND ALBUM [COUP D'ETAT] ▶ Available on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/GDCoupdetatPt1 ▶ eBay: http://stores.ebay.com/YG-Entertainment ▶ YG-eshop: http://www.ygeshop.com ▶ YG-eshop (China): http://cn.ygeshop.com 2013.09.02: Part 1 on-line release 2013.09.05: Part 2 on-line release 2013.09.13: Album release For More Information @ http://ygbigbang.com/GDRAGON http://youtube.com/officialGDRAGON .. 2013.09.02 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop 스피카 (SPICA) - Tonight CJ E&M Music is a music business brand of CJ E&M, Asia's No.1 entertainment company. CJ E&M Music covers investment, production and distribution of album and also provides the best music festival and concerts. Meet the K-POP artists' brand new music videos and exclusive video clips on the official YouTube of CJ E&M Music. 2013.08.28 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop YAYA (야야) (夜夜) ft. 신윤철 - Ghost (유령) YAYA restarted her musical career with the first solo album [Cruel Picture] on Aug 28th. This cruel but beautiful picture will stimulate our loneliness. Nu-tango rock, "Ghost" is about a invisible existence that appears to assuage loneliness. * Solo concert to celebrate the release will be held on September 29th 6PM @Veloso Artist: YAYA (야야, 夜夜) Album Title: Cruel Picture (잔혹영화) Release Date: 20.. 2013.08.28 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE (東京女子流) - Bad Flowe / 鼓動の秘密 OFFICIAL HP: http://tokyogirlsstyle.jp/ 5月ライブツアー最終の日比谷野音にて12月22日の日本武道館LIVEを発表し、この夏も積極的なライブパフォーマンスを見せつづけた東京女子流! その武道館公演前のシングルが10月17日にリリース決定!「ROAD TO BUDOKAN 2012 ~Bad Flower~」というシングルのリード曲となる新曲は今までにない「黒い」女子流が見れるハードなナンバー! Music Videoをショートver.で公開! http://www.youtube.com/user/TokyoGirl... 「音楽の楽しさを 歌って踊って 伝えたい」5人組ガールズグループ東京女子流 待望の1stアルバム「鼓動の秘密」が5/4発売!ちょうど、CDデビューから1年でのアルバムリリース!デビュー第1弾「キラリ☆」第2弾の人気曲「.. 2013.08.28 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop 유성은 (YU SEONG EUN) - 사랑이 자라서 (후아유 OST Part 2) CJ E&M Music is a music business brand of CJ E&M, Asia's No.1 entertainment company. CJ E&M Music covers investment, production and distribution of album and also provides the best music festival and concerts. Meet the K-POP artists' brand new music videos and exclusive video clips on the official YouTube of CJ E&M Music. 2013.08.27 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop 서문탁(Seo Moon tak) - 태양을 삼킨 달 싱글 [태양을 삼킨 달] 대한민국을 대표하는 여성로커 서문탁의 뜨거운 귀환! 모두의 예상을 깨는 곡으로 4년 만에 돌아온다 마지막 싱글 이후 4년만이다. 그 동안 서문탁은 버클리음대 유학 중이었고 지난해 [나는 가수다2] 출연을 계기로 잠시 학업을 접고 돌아왔다. 6개월의 대장정을 마치는 동안, 중요한 건 매주 순위를 다투는 경연도 그 결과도 아니었다. 음악으로 대중들과 다시금 소통할 수 있었다는 것. 희망을 놓지 않고 꿈을 향해 뚜벅뚜벅 걸어가는 이들에게 음악은 언제나 용기와 힘을 주는 응원이 될 수 있다는 것. 하루가 다르게 새로운 것들로 가득 차 새로움이 더 이상 새로울 게 없어진 이 시대에 록이란 어떤 의미일까? 서문탁의 싱글 '태양을 삼킨 달'로 여기에 일답하고자 한다. 급변하는 트렌드와 시대를.. 2013.08.27 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop 김예림(투개월) Lim Kim - Rain CJ E&M Music is a music business brand of CJ E&M, Asia's No.1 entertainment company. CJ E&M Music covers investment, production and distribution of album and also provides the best music festival and concerts. Meet the K-POP artists' brand new music videos and exclusive video clips on the official YouTube of CJ E&M Music. 2013.08.26 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop BAEK Z YOUNG(백지영) - Is Crying(울고만있어) BAEK Z YOUNG(백지영) _ Is Crying(울고만있어) (Good Doctor(굿닥터) OST Part.3) 2013.08.26 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop Wa$$up - Bang Bang (NaDa solo) Wa$$up NaDa's solo video [Bang Bang] is out now! [Bang Bang] is the rap track from Wa$$up's debut single [Wa$$up]. Enjoy NaDa's sexy performance with her great rapping now! Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/WassupVEVO Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mafiawassup Twitter: http://twitter.com/wassupmafia2013 Music video by Wa$$up performing Bang Bang (NaDa solo). (C) 2013 Mafia Record 2013.08.26 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop TEEN TOP(틴탑) - Rocking(장난아냐) 틴탑 미니앨범 'TEENTOP CLASS' 장난아냐 MV TEEN TOP ITunes | https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/tin... TEEN TOP Official Fan Cafe | http://cafe.daum.net/TEENTOP TEEN TOP Official Facebook |https://www.facebook.com/TeenzOnTopOf... TEEN TOP Official Twitter | https://mobile.twitter.com/TEEN_TOP TEEN TOP Official MeToday | http://me2day.net/teen-top 2013.08.25 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop 바다 - 사의 찬미 불후의 명곡 中 동창이자 절친이였던 고 이은주에게 바치는 노래. 2013.08.24 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop Superfly - Always Superfly初のBestアルバム!『Superfly BEST』9/25リリース! 2007年のデビュー曲「ハロー・ハロー」からのシングル26曲(配信シングル、両A面シングル含む)と新曲3曲を収録した全29曲!(2枚組) 全曲リマスタリング音源の完全保存版! 初回生産限定盤はMusic Video24曲収録のDVD付3枚組! 2013.08.23 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop あべ ともなり - ヨルナンデス FREE DOWNLOAD !!! Tomonari Abe "YORUNANDEZ" pro. JJJ (FIVE STAR RECORDS) http://soundcloud.com/vlutent/tomonar... [VLUTENT RECORDS] http://vlutentrecords.blogspot.com [Director] toy dog http://dopedyouth.blogspot.com [歌詞] つのつの一本赤鬼どん つのつのニ本青鬼どん アイムアミスター三途の川 マイクを持った男おいどん 犬が全裸で歩いている 何かに必至に吠えまくる 鳥が全力で飛んでいる 人間に怯えて飛びまくる ヒトだってすごいぞペダルとサドル 石油を使って旅行もできる エレキを使って楽器もできる 加藤が沼田になったりする ペッタンヒラリー国務長官×3 ペッタンライスは国務.. 2013.08.22 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop girugämesh - INCOMPLETE NEWシングル「INCOMPLETE」 2013年9月11日(水)発売 【初回限定盤】CD 1曲+ボーナストラック収録 XNDC-30042 / ¥500 (tax in) 1. INCOMPLETE 2. 6th ALBUM『MONSTER』予告編 -demo ver.- 【通常盤】CD4曲収録 XNDC-30043 / ¥1,575 (tax in) 1. INCOMPLETE 2. Limit Break 3. takt 4. INCOMPLETE-inst- ■LIVE INFO ギルガメッシュ ONEMAN LIVE「G#」 2013年10月13日(日) SHIBUYA-AX OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00 【チケット料金】 1F立見・2F指定 前売¥4,200 当日¥4,700(税込・ドリンク代別) ※未就学児童入場不可 【チケット一般発売】 2013年9.. 2013.08.22 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop Little Mix - Wings (날개) Korean Lyric Video Out now in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea Malaysia, Middle East, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand. http://goo.gl/A1pBPG 2013.08.21 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop KOPERU - Dream On "KOPERU / Dream On" Produced by tofubeats iTunes Link http://bit.ly/17H5ku9 Music Video Directed by ISSEI from roughizm Model 佐川真由 発売日 (iTunes): 2013年8月21日(水) 収録楽曲 : 6曲 価格(配信):600円(パッケージ)250円(単曲) 販売元/レーベル : DREAM BOY M01. Dream On M02. Shut Up M03. Dream On (Instrumental) M04. Shut Up (Instrumental) M05. Dream On (Acappella) M06. Shut Up (Acappella) M01 Track Produced by tofubeats M02 Track Prod.. 2013.08.20 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop 선미(Sunmi) - 24시간이 모자라(24 hours) Sunmi_24 hours M/V Sunmi Official Homepage: http://sunmi.jype.com JYPnation Official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jypnation JYPnation Official Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/jypnation Copyrights 2013 ⓒ JYP Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. 2013.08.20 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop Dis Boyz - Kkul-Kkuk (디스보이즈- 꿀꺽) See this Australian who is SUPER fluent in KOREAN as much as he can be a K-POP singer ! A member of Dis Boyz, Sam Hamminton is from Austrailian and he debuted in 1999, South Korea. Recently he organized a K-POP group named DIS BOYZ with his BFF Joe and their first digital single "Kkul-kkuk" is released on August 6th. The title of the song "Kkul-kkuk" is a sound that you make when you swallow som.. 2013.08.18 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop SEUNGRI - 할말있어요 (GOTTA TALK TO U) 2ND MINI ALBUM [할말있어요 (GOTTA TALK TO U)] ▶ iTunes: http://smarturl.it/SR_LetsTalkAboutLove ▶ YG eShop: http://www.ygeshop.com/ ▶ YG eShop China: http://cn.ygeshop.com/ ▶ YG eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/ygentertainment BIGBANG's youngest and solo artist SEUNGRI. His field of expertise branches out to different areas, not only as a singer in South Korea but taking on various roles overseas a.. 2013.08.18 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop QUEEN B'Z (퀸비즈) - Bad NEW KPOP MUSIC VIDEO (JULY 2013) Members: -Mae Ah Ri -Seul Yi -Jini -Aram -Rumi Singer: QUEEN B'Z (퀸비즈) Music: Bad Single: Bad Date: 29 July 2013 Start Group: 2013 Musical Label: JS Entertainment Official YouTube Channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/JSENTERGROUP 2013.08.18 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop San E(산이) - Story of someone I know(아는사람 얘기) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) :: iTunes DL : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ane... San E _ Story of Someone I Know Genius rapper Mr. San takes a step for his new career Brand new San E tells you the first story, 'Story of Someone I Know' San E's new single 'Story of Someone I Know' features San E's unique s.. 2013.08.18 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop BUMKEY(범키) ft. Dynamic Duo(다이나믹 듀오) - Attraction(갖고놀래) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) :: iTunes DL : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/2nd... 'Soul singer' Bumkey is back with 'Attraction', two months after his first single 'Bad Girl'. When he was making 'Bad Girl', this song was already made at the same time. The song 'Attraction' is made by one of the best compos.. 2013.08.18 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop EXO - 으르렁 (Growl) ♬ Download on iTunes (Music) : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the... ♬ Download on iTunes (Music Video_Korean ver.) : https://itunes.apple.com/us/music-vid... ♬ Download on iTunes (Music Video_Chinese ver.) : https://itunes.apple.com/us/music-vid... ♪ For more information ☞ smtown hompage : http://www.smtown.com ☞ smtown EXO-K : http://exo-k.smtown.com ☞ smtown EXO-M : http://exo-m.smtown.com.. 2013.08.18 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop M.I.B(Men In Black) - 들이대 (Dash) CJ E&M Music is a music business brand of CJ E&M, Asia's No.1 entertainment company. CJ E&M Music covers investment, production and distribution of album and also provides the best music festival and concerts. Meet the K-POP artists' brand new music videos and exclusive video clips on the official YouTube of CJ E&M Music. 2013.08.18 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop Reddy ft. Kid Ash - 강변살자 Reddy의 데뷔앨범 'Commitment'이 현재 예약판매중이다.(8/29발매) hiphopplaya.com/store directed by Kang Seung Won (of August Frogs) 2013.08.18 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop Bebop & Humming Urban Stereo - MAEM MAEM(맴맴) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) The new idol girl band rookie Bebop and stylish electronic pop 'Humming Urban Stereo' got together to release the single 'MAEM MAEM'. They worked together already in the fourth album of 'Humming Urban Stereo' title song 'LOVE JAM', and this time they are with a fun song to let the.. 2013.08.17 ETC/K-Pop · Asia Pop J Morning (제이모닝) - 닥터 닥터 (Doctor Doctor) Official Site : http://www.kmbcompany.co.kr/ 기획사 : KMB Company 유통사 : 뮤직 ======================================== AsianDreamVOD is a semi-official channel where you can enjoy HD music video, there will be exclusive and unseen video. SUBSCRIBE ☛ http://smarturl.it/AsianDreamVOD TWITTER ☛ http://twitter.com/Jae_AsianDream 2013.08.17 1···29303132333435···42